In Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate, you can collect hundreds of objects, like chests, secrets, Poster AdsBeer bottles, Helix Glitches and pressed flowers. You can find these pressed flowers inside of books that are usually left on a park bench or near a tombstone. You can find them so easily if you keep an eye at these locations.
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Collecting a number of pressed flowers will unlocks different dyes for your outfits, below you can see how much you need for each dye and also the locations of all these pressed flowers.
5 Pressed Flowers:
- Violet (Violet, Woody brown and Grass green)
10 Pressed Flowers:
- Fuchsia (Fuchsia, Muted green and Turquoise)
15 Pressed Flowers:
- Midnight Blue (Midnight blue, Warm gray and Terra cotta)
20 Pressed Flowers:
- Black (Black, Pink and Purple)
25 Pressed Flowers:
- Steel Gray (Steel gray, Pink and Dark gray)
30 Pressed Flowers:
- Crimson (Deep crimson, Salmon and Gray)
City of London – Pressed Followers Locations:
Here are the locations of all the pressed flowers that you can find in City of London.
Location 1:
There is a small pack on the road, at the right lower corner of the map, you can find the book near the fountain in this park, on a bench, flower is inside of that book.
Location 2:
There is a building directly to the east of the Kenway Mansion, in the upper middle side of the map, go to the west side of that building and look for a bench, find the book and flower inside.
Location 3:
The building in the middle of the map, called St. Paul’s Cathedral, go to the south side of it and find the bench here, you can find it underneath it.
Location 4:
Look for the cemetery, which is in the left end of the map (in the middle), you can find it inside the cemetery, in front of a small lantern on the ground.
Location 5:
Temple Church is located on he left lower corner of the map of city of London. Go behind the Temple Church, and go to the southwest corner of the courtyard, you can find this one on the floor of the gazebo there.
Lambeth Pressed Flowers Locations:
Location 1:
Take the right side road of the Asylum, go inside the 2nd building on the left and go to the top of the planter to the left of the main entrance to find this pressed flower.
Location 2:
Go to the graveyard, you can find this on the top of one of these graves. Graveyard is located to the left side of the Asylum.
Location 3:
Go to the church, go inside the graveyard in the church, you will find this one on the top of grave. Church is located to the left side of the map on the road.
Location 4:
Look for a small grave at the upper left side of the map, with a dog standing nearby, you will find it there, it’s on the curve road, if you see the map.
Southwark Pressed Flowers Locations:
Location 1:
There is a park at the right lower corner map of Southwark, you can find the flower on the ground beside the walkway with the park.
Location 2:
There is a building in from of the metalworking factory , left side of the railroad. Go inside and look for a table with the national flag in the fenced in brick area, you can find the flower Underneath the flag.
Location 3:
There is building behind the Waterloo Station, go inside and look for the P. James and Sons sign, there is a table underneath it, you can find the flower there.
Location 4:
Go outside of the Railway platform to the lower side of the map, and look for Hats and Umbrellas stand, you will find it on the table next to it.
The Strand Pressed Flowers Locations:
Location 1:
There is a park on the northeast side of the Lincoln’s Inn Fields, look for a green bench with the flower.
Location 2:
Go to the south side of the courtyard and look for the stone circle, you can find it there on a bench.
Location 3:
There is a park in the middle of the, Go to the south of gazebo and look for a green bench against a small stone wall, you can find the flower there.
Location 4:
Look for a courtyard in the middle of the map, go to the left side if it and look for the a small gazebo that leads towards a main street, you will find the flower in the pathway on a green bench.
Location 5:
There is a large park at the lower left corner of the map, go to the north corner of the park and look for a on a green bench under a tree with the pressed flower.
Thames Pressed Flowers Locations:
Location 1:
There is a wooden bridge connecting the two stone docks on the lower side of the map, look for a bench near it with the pressed flower.
Location 2:
Look for a bench in-front of Whitehall Stairs building to the south, you will find the flower there.
Location 3:
Look for a bench next to a small booth facing the water, with the flower on it.
Westminster Pressed Flowers Locations:
Location 1:
Go to the east side of the Richmond Terrace and look for a carriage parked, with the pressed flower on it.
Location 2:
You will find it on the ground near statue in courtyard of Westminster Abbey.
Location 3:
Go behind the Victoria Station, you will find this one on the top of a tree stump.
Location 4:
There is a small park on the lower left corner of the map, you will find it on a green bench near the fountain.
Location 5:
Look for a wooden shack between the main road and the pond, (in the middle of the map), go to the back side of the wooden shack and you will find it next to a stack of books.
Location 6:
At the same pond, where you find the last one, go to the east edge of the pond, and look for a a green bench with the pressed flower on it.
Location 7:
You will find this one on the north end of Green Park, on a bench.
Whitechapel Pressed Flowers Locations:
Location 1:
There is a small park behind the cemetary of St. Mary Matfelon, you can find the folwer on the top of a bench next to the monument in this park.
Location 2:
There is a park on the lower left corner of the map, look for the stairs leading up to gazebo, go to the right of these stairs and you will find it on the ground.
Location 3:
There is a park on the upper left corner of the map, behind the The Cauldron and Stewpot, you will find it on the top of a small tombstone.
Im looking for all the pressed followers atm 😉