Mission 05: Hypocenter
- Complete the mission without dying.
- Reward: Fabrication Kit
High Score
- Complete the mission with a score of 27,500 or higher.
- Reward: Fabrication Kit
Got ‘Em
- Find all of the collectibles in the mission.
- Reward: Fabrication Kit
Two Birds With One Stone
- Kill two enemies with one bullet.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Melee kill 5 robots.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Burn 5 robots in less than 1 second.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Shoot the heads off of five robots in a row without missing a shot.
- Reward: 1000 XP
Patient Hunter
- Stealth kill 7 enemies.
- Reward: 250 XP
Caught You Napping
- Kill the snipers without alerting any enemies.
- Reward: 250 XP
Where’d That Come From?
- Kill 4 enemies from 65 meters away.
- Reward: 250 XP
Shocking Results
- Electrocute 3 robots in one electrical explosion.
- Reward: 1000 XP
No Survivors
- Leave no 54i survivors.
- Reward: Fabrication Kit
Good Listener
- Listen to all of the Audio Recordings
- Reward: 250 XP
- Take no damage from depth charges.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Destroy 10 depth charges.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Kill 2 enemies with a rocket while in the air.
- Reward: 1000 XP
Mission 06: Vengeance
- Complete the mission without dying.
- Reward: Fabrication Kit
High Score
- Complete the mission with a score of 12,000 or higher.
- Reward: Fabrication Kit
Got ‘Em
- Find all of the collectibles in the mission.
- Reward: Fabrication Kit
- Kill all enemies in the apartments before Hendricks does.
- Reward: 250 XP
Floor ‘Em
- Take down all enemies within 6 seconds.
- Reward: 500 XP
Show Off
- Kill a sniper during a wall run.
- Reward: 250 XP
Like a Ghost
- Get through café area undetected.
- Reward: 1000 XP
Eye in the Sky
- Destroy all Talons in the café.
- Reward: 250 XP
Cut Ya
- Stealth melee kill 5 enemies in the café.
- Reward: 500 XP
To the Shadows
- Get through temple undetected.
- Reward: Fabrication Kit
- Kill 5 enemies without any of them becoming alerted.
- Reward: 500 XP
Stealth Double Kill
- Kill 2 enemies with 1 bullet 2 times stealthily.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Kill all snipers in parking garage without being hit by any of them.
- Reward: 1000 XP
Bring the Pain
- Kill 10 enemies with a mounted turret.
- Reward: 250 XP
Now You’re Mine
- Kill 5 enemies with a P.A.W.W.S.
- Reward: 250 XP
Aerial Assault
- Kill an enemy while in mid-air.
- Reward: 250 XP
Mission 07: Rise & Fall
- Complete the mission without dying.
- Reward: Fabrication Kit
High Score
- Complete the mission with a score of 25,000 or higher.
- Reward: Fabrication Kit
Got ‘Em
- Find all of the collectibles in the mission.
- Reward: Fabrication Kit
Fly Swatter
- Perform a melee kill on a Talon.
- Reward: 1000 XP
Epic R.A.P.S. Battle
- Hijack a R.A.P.S., run over two enemies, and then into another R.A.P.S.
- Reward: 250 XP
Death From Above
- Kill 3 enemies while your feet are off the ground.
- Reward: 500 XP
Like Lightning
- Kill 5 robots in under 1 second.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Destroy a R.A.P.S. while it is in midair.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Impale 2 enemies with a single shot of the Spike Launcher.
- Reward: 500 XP
Wide Area Effect
- Kill 7 enemies with a single detonation of the Spike Launcher.
- Reward: 500 XP
Aggressive Marketing
- Kill an enemy with a billboard.
- Reward: 250 XP
Lawn Darts
- Hit an enemy from very long range with the Spike Launcher
- Reward: 250 XP
Strafing Run
- Kill 5 enemies with a Talon.
- Reward: 250 XP
Clean Sweep
- Kill every enemy in the alley.
- Reward: 250 XP
Lethal Sideways
- Get 3 kills in the same wall run.
- Reward: Fabrication Kit
- Wall run and kill a bipedal enemy with a melee attack before landing.
- Reward: 1000 XP
Power Slide
- Power slide between the A.S.P.-C legs
- Reward: 250 XP
Mission 08: Demon Within
- Complete the mission without dying.
- Reward: Fabrication Kit
High Score
- Complete the mission with a score of 30,000 or higher.
- Reward: Fabrication Kit
Got ‘Em
- Find all of the collectibles in the mission.
- Reward: Fabrication Kit
The Fastest Gun
- Kill 5 enemies in under 10 seconds.
- Reward: 250 XP
Quick on Your Feet
- Complete the Sara battle without taking any damage.
- Reward: 500 XP
Hat Trick!
- Shoot 10 helmets off German soldiers.
- Reward: 250 XP
Volume of Fire
- Kill 5 soldiers using the MG42 in Bastogne.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Kill 2 Dire Wolves while they are in mid-air.
- Reward: Fabrication Kit
Way of the Fist
- Kill all the Dire Wolves using only melee attacks.
- Reward: 1000 XP
Prey Instincts
- Kill all the Dire Wolves without taking any damage.
- Reward: 250 XP
Beat You To It
- Kill the Tiger Tank in the Village before it shoots.
- Reward: 1000 XP
- Complete the Cathedral without taking any damage.
- Reward: 500 XP
Hands Off
- Don’t get hit by Zombies
- Reward: 500 XP
- Light 4 Zombies on fire.
- Reward: 500 XP
Right Between the Eyes
- Headshot 10 Zombies in a row
- Reward: 500 XP
Out With a Bang
- Kill Sarah with a grenade after clearing Zombies.
- Reward: 250 XP
Thank you very much for the listing man!