Armor New Locations:
For now we have located 11 new Armor locations in Scholar of the First Sin, which are listed below.
Aurous Set (Visible):
The Visible Aurous Set can now be found in upper Gutter near a Hide Knight which drops the Heide Mask.
Dark Chest Piece:
Dark Chest Piece is located in a Mimic under a ledge in the Gutter immediately after you find the Ring of Soul Protection.
Dark Leggings:
Dark Leggings can be found in Brightcove Theodora underneath neat first bonfire.
Falconer’s Set:
The Falconer’s Set can now be farmed in Brightstone Cove Tesoldora in the Royal Army Camp as Falconer Knights have replaced most of the Peasants there.
Forlorn Set:
The Forlorn Set can be acquired from Straid. One set is avaliable for sale per every time you kill. Thus, you must kill him six times to get all his stuff including his weapons.
Heide Armor:
Heide Armor can be farmed from Heide Knights in Heide’s Tower of Flame.
Iron Mask:
Dropped by the Heide Knight in upper Gutter.
Llewellyn Set:
You can buy this set from ghost vendor Chancellor Wellanger after defeating the Giant Lord.
Royal Soldier’s Set:
The Royal Soldier’s Set can now be farmed at Forest of Fallen Giants as Royal Soldiers are now encountered there.
Vengarl’s Set (Sans Helm):
Vengaral’s murderous headless corpse, and thus all of his armor save his helmet, is now located in the Shaded Woods shortly after meeting Manscorpion Tark.
Warlock Mask:
The helmet can be found in the Shaded Ruins. From bonfire, head straight until you reach the large barrels. Behind them is a Lion Warrior with a golden mane standing next to a petrified Lion Warrior. Un-pertifying him and killing him should reward you with the helmet.
Rings New Locations:
For now we have located 3 new locations for Rings in Scholar of the First Sin, which are listed below.
Bracing Knuckle Ring:
The Bracing Knuckle Ring (+0) can be found on the same ledge where you can jump to the smaller ledge where the Golden Wing Shield is located in the Lost Bastille.
Gower’s Ring of Protection:
Allrond the Abysswalker has found that Gower’s Ring of Protection is now in Drangleic Castle after the chest with Soul Greatsword and is avaliable in NG right off the bat.
Ring of Binding:
The Ring of Binding can now be found in Heide’s Tower of Flame in the chest shortly before fighting the Dragonrider.
Note: If you have find any other new location in the game, you can share it in the comment section below.
There are many more items than this that have been moved