Quest #15: The Explosion of Namek
Hidden Requirements
- Clear under 3 minutes
- Defeat Time patroller
Quest #16: Super Saiyan Legend
Hidden Requirements
- Befriend Vegeta and Vegeta Survives
- Defeat SSJ Vegeta
Quest #17: Challenger Hercule
Hidden Requirements
- Hercule hp over 50{ad0b53be2d5c5d18a99e20ff09d5b2ab365deb4c843e9bf9a16eb8b27c6b832d} defeat
- Revived Vegeta
Quest #18: Return to Ginyu Force
Hidden Requirements
- Clear under 5 minutes
- Defeat Frieza
Quest #19: Let’s Train
Hidden Requirements
- Clear with Vegeta and gohan transformed
- Defeat Revived Gohan
Quest #20: Multiple Cell Jr. Hunt
Hidden Requirements
- Clear under 5 minutes
- Defeat Cell
Quest #21: The Cell Games Began
Hidden Requirements
- Defeat Piccolo and Goku before Gohan
- Win without defeating Cell
Quest #22: Earth in Danger
Hidden Requirements
- Defeat all Enemies
- Defeat all Revived Enemies
Quest #23: Clash! Perfect Cell!
Hidden Requirements
- Clear under 3 minutes
- Defeat revived Cell
Quest #24: Power Team
Hidden Requirements
- Clear in 10 minutes
- Defeat Revived Gohan and Cell
Quest #25: 17 and 18 of The Official History
Hidden Requirements
- Vegeta and Piccolo Survive
- Defeat Android 17 and 18
Quest #26: Warriors Annihilation – Future Cahpter
Hidden Requirements
- 17 and 18 Survive
- Defeat Trunks
Quest #27: Artificial Warriors
Hidden Requirements
- Beat all Cell Jr.
- Defeat Cell and revived 17 and 18
Quest #28: Take Back the Dragon Balls
Hidden Requirements
- Beat all Cell Jr.
- Get 7 Dragon balls
On Invade Earth, Nappa isn’t even getting hurt, year the Goku revival won’t trigger so I can’t do it! What the hell?!
The worst part about the hidden requirements is they’re not a 100{ad0b53be2d5c5d18a99e20ff09d5b2ab365deb4c843e9bf9a16eb8b27c6b832d} chance to trigger the Ultimate ending. Keep at the grind and it should trigger eventually.
I’ve played untill the end of buu saga and the weird thing is i have vegeta as a ssj2 character, i have two of that but i dont have him with his ssj1. I’ve played many quests about him going ssj but still i dont have him, can someone help me or explain me what to do ?