Level C-3: Big Stairs, Little Stairs (Red)
Okay, this one is tricky, since a lot is going on. I will be given directions based on if you are standing at the entrance and facing the rear of the puzzle. There are two courtyards, first courtyard (which is closer) and second courtyard. To start things off, pick up the fan in the receptor near the short ledge and place it on the pressure switch on the right side to expose a box. Bring the box to the second courtyard and use it to jump onto a small ledge to pick up a second box. Bring both boxes to the first courtyard. Pick up the fan from the pressure switch and place it in the receptor at the base of the tall ledge.
Place one box on top of the dead fan, then pick up the other, jump on the box, and drop it on the pressure switch to launch yourself into the air. Jump up onto the ledge and bring the connector down. Pick up either box and place it on the pressure switch in front of the blue transmitter in the second courtyard. Use the connector to open the energy gate on the left side of the first courtyard and bring out the box from within. Place a box on the fan on the ground near the door between courtyards. Pick up the connector and target the red transmitter and receiver in the first courtyard and place it on top of the box. Move the other fan to the other receptor at the base of the short ledge. Place a box on the associated pressure switch, and bring a box up to the ledge. Put the box on the pressure plate, drop down, pick up the box on the lower pressure plate, and push it into the active fan to push the connector up. Pick up the unlocked box and use it to activate the short ledge fan again and retrieve the box up above. Working backwards, bring all four boxes to the second courtyard. Use one box on the pressure switch to the left to deactivate the energy gate. Use the other three boxes to create a small staircase to reach the first ledge. Then pick up the top box behind you and use it to reach the final ledge and grab the FIFTH box. Whew! Repeating earlier steps, place a box on the dead fan, pick up the connector, target the red transmitter and the red receiver in the second courtyard (guarding the Sigil), and place it on the box. Use three boxes to create a staircase up to the smaller ledge in the first courtyard. Pick up the nearby fan and place it on the pressure switch to activate the tall fan. Use all boxes to throw them under the fan and slowly raise the connector. After four boxes have been inserted into the fan, the beams should connect and unlock the Sigil.
Jammer Quarantine (Red) – Go to the left of the counsel board and through the purple gate. Pick up the jammer and disable the energy gates protecting the connector and box one by one and bring them to the courtyard. Use either the connector or box on the pressure plate and use the jammer to disable the next energy gate. Pick up this connector and bring it to the main courtyard. Place the box on top of the dead fan. Pick up a connector, target the transmitter, the receiver powering the fan, the receiver powering the second energy gate (currently disabled by the jammer), and place it on the box. Flip the switch to turn on the fan and the airborne connector should open the second energy gate at the same time. Use the jammer to disable the pressure switch energy gate. Pick up the ground connector, walk to the Sigil, and use the airborne connector to unlock the gate.
Three Little Connectors… and a Fan (Red) – Pick up the fan from the receptor and place it on the pressure plate. Pick up the connector (A), walk through the gate, and use it to unlock the next gate. Pick up the following connector (B), and using the window for LoS (place it as close to the window as possible), unlock two gates simultaneously. Use the final connector C to unlock another gate. Use the jammer on the nearby gate, now bring both boxes to the puzzle entrance. Put the fan back in the receptor, one box on the pressure switch, and the other box on top of the fan. Go back and pick up connector C and start walking back to the entrance. On your way, target all the receivers you come across, target the fan powering receiver, the transmitter, and place it on the box on the fan. Bring connector B to the entrance and use it to target the fan to send connector C airborne, which will now become self-sustaining. Pick up connector B and use it to unlock the first locked energy gate you reach (you can use connector C for the vantage point). Pick up A, target the same energy gate as B, but from the other side through the window. You can now free up B and continue through the puzzle, using it to unlock the next gate. Use A to unlock the gate next to the jammer, and finally use the jammer to disable the final gate. Whew!
Weathertop (Red) – Go through the purple gate, pick up the jammer, and use it disable the gate diagonally from this courtyard. Pick up the connector, place it on the pressure plate across from it, and bring out the box. Now use the jammer to disable the gate directly in front of the courtyard. Pick up the box and place it on the fan pointing further into the puzzle, step on the pressure switch to send if over the wall. Climb the ladder, place the box on the fan, the connector on the box, and push the switch to send it back over. Bring the connector to the main area and put the box on the fan pointing towards the jammer courtyard. Send it over there with the switch. Enter the purple gate, place the box near the short fence, and use it to bring the jammer out of the courtyard. Use the jammer to unlock the other box. Place this box next to the short fence to pull the other box into the main courtyard. Use a connector to unlock the energy gate protecting the two fans. Place a box on top of the fan pointing to the back of the puzzle. Place a jammer on the box and send it deeper into the puzzle, then use the jammer to disable the gate. The Sigil is there.
Level C-4: Stables (Red)
Go to the right, pick up the jammer, and use it on the gate. Use the connector to unlock the next gate, then bring the second connector to the start. Go to the right (near the original jammer location), and place it in front of the window, targeting both the transmitter and the receiver (through the window). Bring the other connector to the start and use it on the jammed door receiver. Now jam the door from the other side and bring the connector through. Jam the next door and proceed through with the connector. Using the windows for LoS, target the other connector and the locked energy gate. Walk through and to your right to find the Sigil.
Armory (Red) – Use a connector to unlock the energy gate, then the other one to unlock the next gate protecting the Jammer. Use the jammer to disable the mine and pick up the box. Place the box in the path of the red beam. Now pick up the connector further into the puzzle and place it on the box. The connector should block the red beam and shut down the fan. Grab the jammer and walk through the puzzle and jam the next energy gate. Walk to the fan and take it off the receptor and drop it on the ground. Pick up the jammer, walk back towards the front, and jam the energy gate targeted by the connector, from the INSIDE. In the same area as the red beam, pick up the connector, target the blue transmitter, and place it in front of the window. Pick up the other connector and make your way to the fan hallway, using the jammer to assist you. Target the blue connector through the windows and the energy gate protecting the Sigil.
Throne Room (Red) – Pick up the connector and bring it back to the entrance. With a tricky LoS, you should be able to narrowly view a red receiver through two windows. Connect to it with the transmitter to unlock the gate. Enter the room to find a box. Pick up the box and head to the two level ledge in the back (there’s a fan receptor nearby). Using the box with bunny hop techniques, bring the box and connector to the very top. Place the box behind the far left pillar. Pick up the connector, target the red transmitter and another connector through a window, and place it on top of the box. This should unlock another energy gate. Walk through the open energy gate and stand in front of the blue beam to shut down the fan. Quickly pull the disabled fan from the wall and place it in the floor receptor. Use the upward lift fan to pick up the box and connector and bring them to ground level. Take the box down the fan hallway and place it about five feet in front of the blue transmitter. Pick up the connector, target the blue transmitter/receiver and place it on top of the box. Go back to the entrance with the other connector. Use it to target the two receivers through the window (one is protecting the double locked gate, the other right past the locked gate) and the red transmitter. All but one energy gate should unlock. Pick up the fan and place it on the pressure switch to reach the Sigil.
Oubliette (Red) – Hit the recorder, pick up the box, and place it in front of the short wall to the left. Pick up the platform and stand in front of the tiny ledge for several seconds. Walk back to the box, jump on top of it, and stand there for a few seconds. Run back to the tiny ledge and stand there for another several seconds, run back on top of the box, and rest here for another few seconds. Stop the recording. During playback, pick up the connector, wait for the ghost to show up at the ledge and jump on, when he jumps on the box, jump onto the upper wall and place the connector on the pressure switch. Drop back down, pick up the box, jump on the ghost platform a second time, and back onto the upper wall as the ghost makes its motions. Drop down into the tiny room and place the box to stop the beam blocker’s path. Head up the ladder and bring the connector back down. Use the connector to unlock the energy gate.Record yourself and walk through the open energy gate and step on the pressure plate for several seconds. Stop the recording and run through the open energy gate during playback to retrieve the Sigil.
Why is there an extra box in The Cemetery? Does it lead to a secret?