Level C-5: Time Crawls (Red)
Start the recording, place the box on the right pressure plate, pick up the connector, and walk through the energy gate. Target the transmitter through the locked energy gate, and place the connector as far against the wall and “deeper” into the puzzle as you can manage. Step on the next pressure plate and stand there for a good fifteen seconds or so. Return to the recorder and stop it. During playback, put the box on the pressure plate in front of the blue transmitter. Pick up the connector, and when the ghost player stands on the pressure plate, run through. Use the narrow window to target the ghost connector and unlock the energy gate guarding the Sigil.
Time Flies (Red) – Place the box on the right pressure switch, walk through, and bring the connector to the main area. Now place the box on top of the dead fan and start the recorder. During the recording, step on the right pressure plate for about fifteen seconds, then pick up the connector, target the transmitter and airborne receiver and place it anywhere that has LoS. Step on the left pressure plate for a few seconds to activate the beam. Then stand on the other pressure plate for a few seconds and stop the recording. During playback, pick up the connector. When the ghost activates the energy gate, run through and target the receiver at the end of the puzzle and run back in with the connector. Now target the red transmitter and the airborne receiver, then place it on top of the box. When the ghost powers up the fan, the connector will power up all the receivers and you just have to run to the end and collect the Sigil.
Up Close and Jammed (Red) – Stack the two boxes on top of each other between the ledge and the jammer. Use the ledge to jump on top of the boxes and pick up the jammer safely without getting blown up. Use the jammer to open the energy gate and bring both boxes inside. Using the platform as a vantage point, stack both boxes on top of the mine. Pick up the connector, target the blue transmitter through the fence, and place it on top of the boxes. Grab the other connector and walk to the Sigil energy gate. Target the connector and receiver and place it here. You should get a window of opportunity to go through the gate when the mine passes the tall wall. Done.
Dumbwaiter (Red) – Pick up the connector and use it to open the energy gate closest to the entrance. Pick up both boxes, place one on top of the fan (next to a purple gate guarded pressure switch) and the other on top of the pressure switch directly across. Now use the connector to power up the fan. Go through the gate unlocked by the pressure switch, through the purple gate and up the stairs. Pick up the box from the blowing fan and place it in front of the wall fan. Walk back to the entrance. Pick up the box off the pressure plate and place it on the top of the stairs near the entrance. Pick up the connector, target the transmitter and the receiver next to the wall fan, and place it on top of the box. The connector should establish a narrow LoS through the fence and push the box onto the final pressure plate. The Sigil is yours to grab.
Level C-6: The Seven Doors of Recording (Red)
Pick up the connector and use it to unlock the first energy gate. Pick up the jammer, stand on the pressure plate (unlocking energy gate two), and target the third energy gate. The jammer should be dropped on the pressure plate so that it deactivates gates two and three at once (this can be tricky to position correctly). Start the recording and stand on the following pressure plate to unlock energy gate four. Stand here for about 15 seconds and then stop the recording. During playback, pick up the connector, follow the ghost, and place it on the following switch to unlock gate five. Pick up the jammer and use it to deactivate gate five from the opposite side so you can bring the connector through. Use the jammer to unlock gate six, and the connector on the pressure plate to unlock gate seven and reach the Sigil.
Circumlocution (Red) – This one requires tricky placement. Place the connector (A) on the pressure switch. Go through, pick up the jammer, and use it on the same gate from the other side to free the connector. Use the connector to open the next gate, placing the connector such that it has good LoS through the window left of the blue receiver and past the locked energy gate. This will come in handy later. In the following room, pick up the connector (B), target (A) and the two receivers (one through a narrow window) to open two energy gates. Pick up the box, go back to the pressure switch at the beginning of the puzzle and place it there to free the jammer. Use the jammer to unlock the next locked gate you reach and walk through two gates to find connector C. Using this connector, find LoS to (A) and the two receivers that (B) is targeting. Target all of these and place the connector, thereby freeing (B). Go back and pick it up and bring it near the jammer. Target C through the door and the nearby receiver, and juggle the jammer and connector through the energy gate. Jam the energy gate targeted by C from the inside and bring connectors B and C through the gate. Use either connector to target A through the window and unlock the following gate. Use the jammer to disable the mine, and the last connector to unlock the final energy gate to retrieve the Sigil.
Two Way Street (Red) – Walk down the path past the counsel board to eventually find a jammer. Pick it up, walk back to the front, and jam the energy gate by the entrance. Carefully avoid the two mines and find another jammer. Use this jammer on the same energy gate to bring the previous jammer through. Use the two jammers to juggle through the energy gate and then use them to disable both turrets. Turn the corner and flip the switch to shut down the first turret. Pick up the unnecessary jammer and disable the energy gate to find the keys. Work backwards to get both jammers back to the mine hallway. Unlock the gate, then use the two jammers to disable the turret and energy gate to unlock the Sigil.
Why is there an extra box in The Cemetery? Does it lead to a secret?