Level C-7: Crisscross Conundrum Advanced (Red)
Pick up the blue connector, target the red transmitter, and place it about five feet in front of the transmitter. Run to the recording and start the process. Pick up the connector currently targeting the energy gate and go to the back corner behind the blue transmitter and target the other connector. Now just wait for around 30 seconds or so to give the playback plenty of time. When you are satisfied, pick up the connector in front of the red transmitter and use it to unlock the red energy gate so you can access the recorder and stop. During playback, pick up either connector and target the blue transmitter/receiver and place the connector in as straight of a line as you can. Pick up the other connector, and using careful LoS, you can target the ghost connector in the corner and the red receiver. Both energy gates should open and the Sigil is yours.
Carrier Pigeons (Red) – Pick up the box from the pressure switch, walk up the stairs, and place it on the beam blocker. Pick up the nearby box, hop onto the beam blocker, and place the box on the following beam blocker. Hop on this beam blocker to go across the fan and to the box on the other side. Pick up the box and ride the beam blocker back to the previous platform. Place the box you are holding on the long path beam blocker. Then pick up the box off from the short path beam blocker and also place it on the long path beam blocker. If done correctly, there should be a stack of three boxes on top of the beam blocker that patrols in front of the fan. Stand on the pressure switch and the fan will blow the beam blocker into the path of the blue beam high above. When the fan shuts off, quickly run through the opening before the blue beam recharges to collect the Sigil.
Prisonbreak (Red) – Welcome to the puzzle that probably gave me the most amount of trouble. Pick up both fans off the floor and place them on both pressure switches in the first courtyard. Make your way through the puzzle until you come across connector A. Pick it up and bring it back to the main courtyard. Using the blue transmitter, connect to the energy gate protecting a box. Pick up the box, and have it switch places with the fan furthest from the blue transmitter on the pressure plate. With the fan in hand, place it on the receptor that is at a slight angle (near where connector A is currently located). Pick up connector A and hop in the fan for a ride. From this inner courtyard, target the transmitter through the narrow window and place it such that you get good LoS through the doorway. Pick up connector B and use connector A to unlock the nearby energy gate. Pick up connector C off the pressure switch, target connector B and the nearby receiver to unlock the gate. Pick up the angled fan and place it on the pressure switch previously occupied by connector C.
With that complete, pick up connector C again, target B, the same receiver, and now the unlocked transmitter. This frees up connector A, so pick it up and walk through the energy gate. Use connector A to target C and a receiver protecting the final connector D. With that done, bring both connectors A and D to the first courtyard with two fan receptors. Place the fan currently on a nearby pressure switch in either fan receptor. Go back and grab the box powering the empty angled fan receptor, and place it on top of this fan. Pick up connector A (either works), target the transmitter, the fan powering receiver, and another receiver down a long hallway (look through the nearby iron gate to target it). Place connector A on the box. Use connector D to target the transmitter, the fan powering receiver, and place it on the unoccupied pressure switch. The fan should power on and connector A will become airborne and self powering. Bring connector D through the energy gate that A unlocked. Target A and the nearby receiver to unlock the next energy gate. The Sigil is so close now.
Go all the way back to connector C, pick it up (this will trap connector B forever, but that’s okay). Instead of targeting the transmitter, target A and unlock the energy gate. This frees up the nearby fan on the pressure switch, so pick it up and walk to the end of the puzzle. Place it on the final pressure switch and the Sigil is finally yours!
Dead Man’s Switch (Red) – Pick up a connector (A), then make your way around the long path in the back, and target the two red receivers (one high, one low) and place it at the 90 degree corner. Pick up another connector (B), target the previous one, and place it on the other end of the long corridor, as close to the wall as possible. Pick up the third connector (C), and backing up towards the puzzle entrance, you should find a LoS to the trapped connector (D) through the window and the previous connector you placed. Step on the pressure switch to start up the red beams and start the fan. Pick up the box that fell down and place it on the pressure switch. Make your way into the unlocked courtyard, pick up (D) and use it to unlock the energy gate from the inside. Pick up (A), use it to unlock the gate from the other side (targeting the transmitter directly, not connector D), thereby freeing connector D. Pick up D, target the blue transmitter, and place it near the (previously locked) courtyard and having some LoS through the narrow window. You may need to adjust placement to avoid conflict with the red beams. Pick up B, walk to the puzzle entrance, and target D through the narrow window. Pick up C and target B to bring a beam to the receiver guarding the final Sigil nearby.
This Guide is written by steam member – NoMercy Rider
Why is there an extra box in The Cemetery? Does it lead to a secret?