In-order to get this mission you need to reach level 4 in any BLADE field skill, once you reach on level 4 skill, this mission called “Off The Record” will show up in Mission Control and you need to complete it, because you can’t gain level 5 of any skill, if you ignore this mission.
If you can’t unlock every party member in Xenoblade Chronicles X, see our guide about, How to Unlock them and also the Soul Voice Effects to increase different stats and damage in it.
Also See This:
- How to Acquire Party Members Signature Arts
- How to Unlock Every Arm Manufacture Terminal Guide
- All Lobster Locations Guide and How to Defeat Blood Lobster
- Xenoblade Chronicles X – Squads and BLADE Scouting Guide
- Xenoblade Chronicles X – How to Beat “Skell License Exam” Guide
- Xenoblade Chronicles X – Combat Guide
- Xenoblade Chronicles X – Skells Basic Tips and Combat Guide
How to Complete “Off The Record” Mission:
It is not easy to complete, you need to solve riddles to complete this mission, here in this guide we have covered all the riddles (Mean what you have to do and where), so that you can complete it to gain level 5 in Blade Skills.
For Archaeological:
- “In the court of the forest gods, a brood of sentinels here do flock.”
How to Complete:
- You need to discover Sentinel’s Nest, which is located on east side of Divine Roost in Noctilum.
- “Across the table where titans feast hides an insect you must defeat.”
How to Complete:
- You have to defeat Calore. To find Calore, go to the Infernal Ledges cave in Cauldros, located northwest of Titan’s Table, Calore is hide in the lave just outside of that cave.
- “If you seek a pure white shell, to the east does it now dwell.”
How to Complete:
- You need to collect white forfex shells from land forfexes or others in Oblivia.
- “In fields of green in New LA, ask in the morning to find the way.”
How to Complete:
- Talk to Solan near Deliverance Park (Residential District) in the morning.
For Mechanical:
- “Soar deep into the skies and seek the forgotten land’s ultimate peak.”
How to Complete:
- Get a Flying Skell and discover Mount Edge Peak, highest point in Oblivia aside from Floating Reef.
- “After dawn o’er land of white, a rare red foe appears to smite.”
How to Complete:
- You need to defeat Lyla’s Galdr, it appears east of Lake Ciel in Sylvalum between 5:00 and 7:00 in the morning. It will appear beneath the Noctilucent Sphere and fly north to a cliff, where it will wait until disappearing at 7:00.
- “Etchings of ancient beasts to find? Seek a stony shore in fired climes.”
How to Complete:
- Collect savage sketches, a rare collectible found on the eastern cliffs of Cauldros
- “In suburban glory in a setting sun, the afflicted tell of what’s to come.”
How to Complete:
- Talk to Solan in the Residential District in the evening, in an alley in Ishmael Hills.
Additional Info:
Teleport directly into FN site 515 in Cauldros. There will be about 8 or 9 of those little blue thingies. Run around and pick them all up. Don’t bother running too far up the hill or you’ll juts aggro the floating thingies and waste time. After you’ve picked up all 8 in that tiny little area, immediately quick travel right back to the same FN spot (even though you’re ten feet from it). This will reset all 8 of them. Rinse and repeat. Got all 6 in about 10 minutes.
For Biological:
- “Take this elevated corn to hand, atop the peaks of a delusional land.”
How to Complete:
- You need to collect pale maize, located at the top of Delusian Mountains in Sylvalum.
- “Atop the forest’s eternal cascade, a bitter baron awaits the blade.”
How to Complete:
- You need to defeat several acid diluses, located on west side at top of Everwhelm Falls in Noctilum.
- “Above an early land do hover, courting birds whose seal you covet.”
How to Complete:
- You have to collect auravis courtship feathers from auravises in Primordia or Oblivia.
- “Where ordnance takes first breath, collect your spoils after sunset.”
How to Complete:
- Talk to Solan in the Outfitters Test Hangar at night
This was really, really difficult to follow and still required a lot of effort to figure things out.
For those trying to do this.
The collectibles part (mechanic, to get the 6 whatevers)
Teleport DIRECTLY into FN site 322 in Oblivia. There will be about 8 or 9 of those little blue thingies. Run around and pick them all up. Don’t bother running too far up the hill or you’ll juts aggro the floating thingies and waste time.
After you’ve picked up all 8 in that tiny little area, IMMEDIATELY quick travel right back to the same FN spot (even though you’re ten feet from it)
This will reset all 8 of them. Rinse and repeat. Got all 6 in about 10 minutes.
I’m right now looking for Solan in an “Alley” but this guide was of no help because I still can’t find him in Ishmael Hills.
Someone really needs to rewrite this in a way that it’s actually helpful.
Thought I’d add to this in saying I got all 6 of mine from 11am to 1pm. Couldnt get even one outside of this time frame.
Collectibles for the Mechanic one are found in Cauldros east shore. Teleport to FN Site 515 and look for the collectibles called ”Savage Sketch”. You need 6 of them and they are pretty rare. Good luck.
What is this bullshit? I killed Lyla’s Galdr as this guide suggests but the riddle
“After dawn o’er land of white, a rare red foe appears to smite.” isn’t solved. How is it possible to mess up a guide like this. Didn’t you test your solution? LMAO
PS: The guide should mention that there are different Lyla’s Galdr and that you have to let it spawn multiple times so you get the red one. now the “rare red foe” part also makes sense.
Solan doesn’t appear anywhere in the ishmael hills. There seems to be another condition for him to appear that isn’t mentioned in this guide.
For the last riddle of the mechanical skill: You don’t find Solan in an alley in the ishmael hills, you find him north of the ishmael hills.
For Archaeological the last part it’s early morning on the westside of the park.
Ugh, I’ve been trying to find him forever during morning because this fucking guide said morning.
I’m not sure what was worse trying to solve the riddles or trying to follow this “guide”.
I know right ahahahaha.
What a bunch of babies. Are you even gamers? These can be solved without even using a guide and you’re complaining that the guide is too difficult?
nice article