After completing the chapter 6 of the main story of the game, you can take the Skell license Test. After passing it, you will receive a Skell of your own. Skells are awesome mobile battle mechs with myriad applications, take them and use them in battlefield with your party members to eliminate the enemies of Mira.
If you can’t unlock every party member in Xenoblade Chronicles X, see our guide about, How to Unlock them and also the Soul Voice Effects to increase different stats and damage in it.
Also See This:
- How to Acquire Party Members Signature Arts
- How to Unlock Every Arm Manufacture Terminal Guide
- All Lobster Locations Guide and How to Defeat Blood Lobster
- How to Complete Hidden Mission “Off The Record” Guide
- Xenoblade Chronicles X – Squads and BLADE Scouting Guide
- Xenoblade Chronicles X – How to Beat “Skell License Exam” Guide
- Xenoblade Chronicles X – Combat Guide
Here we have detailed guide for the basic of Skells and also some tips about, how to use them in combat.
Vehicle and Flight Mode:
This is kind of sprinting. Click the left stick to convert from walking mode to vehicle mode. Roll around the countryside at high speed.
After the completion of chapter 9 of main story, a mission starts. After completing that you Skells will be able to fly and reach places where you can’t go while on your feet, while running and flying you can deal damage with Skell to smaller enemies.
It is located at the Blade Barracks. Approach the BLADE Barracks main console and select BLADE Barracks Hangar. Here you can change your Skell name, Customize its color and also you can sell parts of skell, if you don’t want to use them anymore.
Register Skell:
- This is the only way a party member can ride a Skell. Note that the party member must be at least the same level as the Skell; if the Skell frame is level 30 and the party member is level 27, you’ll need to buff party member up first.
Change Gear:
- Manage the selected Skell’s gear. You can also do this from the Skell Gear menu.
Refuel Skell:
- Use miranium to refuel the selected Skell. It takes 5,000 units of miranium to refuel 3,000 units of Skell fuel. Heavy-type Skells can guzzle miranium like crazy when refueling.
Stats and Armor:
Skells contain some extra stats along with the ones sported by party members on the ground.
Frame Lv.:
- The level of the Skell’s performance. Most analogous to levels of party members. Skells with a higher frame level can wield more powerful weapons
Skell Insurance:
- How much insurance the Skell has left. See the Skell Insurance section for a rundown on this mechanic
- The sum defensive quotient of all armor, base and equipped
- The maximum amount of fuel that the Skell can hold
There are three types of Skells.
- Cheap cost, low HP, low armor, low fuel (but easier to refill with miranium)
- Average cost, HP, armor, and fuel count
- Expensive, high HP and armor, high fuel. Can take a while to refill fuel with miranium alone
Light type Skells are faster while driving and flying. Heavy type Skells are slower on both land and air and mid type Skells have moderate speed. Heavy type Skells can wear all armor but light type Skells can wear only light armor.
Skells have many equip able options but at the end they amount to the same number of attack venues as a ground-based character has, minus the Skills. When managing a Skell’s gear, you can check the Arts available to a given Skell weapon by highlighting that weapon and pressing (R).
You can equip weapons as – 2x auto attack weapons, 2x back weapons (Arts), 2x shoulder weapons (Count as Arts), 2x Arm Weapons (Count as Arts), 2x spare weapons (Count as Arts) and 5 pieces of armor.
In Battlefield:
Binding Enemies
Binding enemies effect is just like ground-bound character’s Topple. Bounded enemies cannot move and they take more damage. It also restores some fuel to the Skell that pulls it off. In order to bind an enemy, go close to the enemy and press (ZL) and (ZR) simultaneously when the prompt appears. Continuous Soul Challenges will appear. Press (B) when the orange circle either overlaps or is inside the white circle to keep the Bind going until the timer runs out. If you fail a Soul Challenge, the Bind will be broken.
Cockpit Time
Cockpit Time has a 10{ad0b53be2d5c5d18a99e20ff09d5b2ab365deb4c843e9bf9a16eb8b27c6b832d} chance of occurring whenever a Skell uses an Art. You are lucky if this happens because all cooldown timers on your Arts reset. When this effect happens, GP will also increase usually by 500. When you’re in Skell Overdrive, if Cockpit Time is activated, the chance of Overdrive being extended raises as well.
Skell Overdrive:
When you have 3,000 GP or more, you can initiate Skell Overdrive, which enhances the base capabilities and performance of the Skell along with its fighting capacity. These enhancements are very depending. Take a look:
Formula (Light-type)
- Overdrive Designate: Type 1: JINRAI
- Bonus Effects: Zero Fuel Use Accuracy and Evasion up Critical Chance up Cooldown Boost.
Lailah (Mid-type)
- Overdrive Designate: Type 2: NAGI
- Bonus Effects: Zero Fuel Use Timed Regen Appendage Regentake Less Damage Debuff Immunity.
Verus (Light-type)
- Overdrive Designate: Type 3: HAGANE
- Bonus Effects: Zero Fuel Use Melee Weapon Attack Up Appendage Regen2x Damage Reflect: Physical.
Mastema (Heavy-type)
- Overdrive Designate: Type 4: GEKITETU
- Bonus Effects: Zero Fuel Use Ranged Weapon Attack Up 2x Damage Reflect: Beam Take Less Damage.
Urban (Light-type) US0232 Police
- Overdrive Designate: Type 5: OBORO
- Bonus Effects: Zero Fuel Use Deal More Damage Take Less Ranged Damage Appendage Regen.
Amdusias (Heavy-type)
- Overdrive Designate: Type 6: KURENAI
- Bonus Effects: Zero Fuel Use Absorb Fuel with Melee Double Crush (2x damage to appendages) Melee Weapon Attack Up.
Inferno (Mid-type)
- Overdrive Designate: Type 7: HIBANA
- Bonus Effects: Zero Fuel Use Appendage Regen Ranged Weapon Attack Up 2x Damage Reflect: Thermal.
Urban (Heavy-type) US0860 Excavator US0830 Dozer
- Overdrive Designate: Type 8: KAMIKAZE
- Bonus Effects: Zero Fuel Use Accuracy & Evasion Up Deal More Damage Reverse Damage.
- Overdrive Designate: Type 9: LEGION
- Bonus Effects: Zero Fuel Use Accuracy & Evasion Up Cooldown Boost Deal More Damage Appendage Regen.
Extending Overdrive:
Once the Skell Overdrive timer expires, there is a chance to reset it, this can be done up to 5 times.
Set 1:
- 15 seconds, 100{ad0b53be2d5c5d18a99e20ff09d5b2ab365deb4c843e9bf9a16eb8b27c6b832d} chance to extend to Set 2, 30{ad0b53be2d5c5d18a99e20ff09d5b2ab365deb4c843e9bf9a16eb8b27c6b832d} chance of activating Cockpit Time with each Art used.
Set 2:
- 13 seconds, 100{ad0b53be2d5c5d18a99e20ff09d5b2ab365deb4c843e9bf9a16eb8b27c6b832d} chance to extend to Set 3, 20{ad0b53be2d5c5d18a99e20ff09d5b2ab365deb4c843e9bf9a16eb8b27c6b832d} chance of activating Cockpit Time with each Art used.
Set 3:
- 13 seconds, (50 + 20 {ad0b53be2d5c5d18a99e20ff09d5b2ab365deb4c843e9bf9a16eb8b27c6b832d} per Cockpit Time activation) chance to extend to Set 4, 30{ad0b53be2d5c5d18a99e20ff09d5b2ab365deb4c843e9bf9a16eb8b27c6b832d} chance of activating Cockpit Time with each Art used.
Set 4:
- 13 seconds, (0 + 20{ad0b53be2d5c5d18a99e20ff09d5b2ab365deb4c843e9bf9a16eb8b27c6b832d} per Cockpit Time activation) chance to extend to Set 5, 20{ad0b53be2d5c5d18a99e20ff09d5b2ab365deb4c843e9bf9a16eb8b27c6b832d} chance of activating Cockpit Time with each Art used.
Set 5:
- 13 seconds, (0 + 20{ad0b53be2d5c5d18a99e20ff09d5b2ab365deb4c843e9bf9a16eb8b27c6b832d} per Cockpit Time activation) chance to extend to Set 6, 30{ad0b53be2d5c5d18a99e20ff09d5b2ab365deb4c843e9bf9a16eb8b27c6b832d} chance of activating Cockpit Time with each Art used.
Set 6:
- 13 seconds, 20{ad0b53be2d5c5d18a99e20ff09d5b2ab365deb4c843e9bf9a16eb8b27c6b832d} chance of activating Cockpit Time with each Art used.
Taking Damage:
While Skell HP and fuel can be recovered using consumable items obtained as division rewards, they have other hazards to worry about. If a Skell takes too much damage, it will lose appendages. It means the loss of any weapon or arts attached to it. It will be fixed after the battle ends. On 0 HP, Skell will be destroyed, you have to jump from it with perfect timing to avoid the damage and before explosion, a soul challenge will appear.
So, the LV 30 skills stay at LV30, how do you buy the Lv 50 ones?
you need to upgrade Sakuraba to level 5 (at the AM terminal)