Piece of Heart #24:
You need to score 10,000 points or more in “Fruit-Pop-Flight Minigame” to get the piece of heart. You can play this game after getting the ability to transform into wolf at any time. Visit Plumm, a small, talking myna bird that hovers above a tiny island just south of Fyer’s cannon.
Piece of Heart #25:
After clearing the bridge of goods, use Clawshot and shoot it at medallion on rock wall and propel to this ledge. Run to the end, and enter the hole, which is a Lava Cavern. From the landing platform, look down to spot a magnetic beam beneath you, go there and use the next magnetic beam to reach the west ledge below. After eliminating the all enemies, return to middle of the ledge and face west to locate another magnetic beam below. This one leads to the final ledge, where you will find the chest with the piece of heart.
Piece of Heart #26:
During the task “Locate the Entrance to Arbiters Grounds” when you retrieve the small key from the first Bulblin, inspect this area for crates and other scenery you can destroy, go to the southwestern corner for a chest there, you can see a roasting Bullbo, pull out your sword and hit it until piece of heart spins out from it.
Piece of Heart #27:
In dungeon #4; when you enter a grand hallway with doors to the left, right and straight ahead. Flanked by statues, four large torches with Hylian crest carved beneath them stand on either side of the exit door. No to the eastern side, next to the main stairs and peer into the gloom. There’s a chest ahead, go there by using Clawshot to get the piece of heart.
Piece of Heart #28:
In dungeon #4; during the task “Obtain the Big Key” stay on the Spinner until you reach upper area and optionally knock into the Stalfos. Get off the Spinner, after killing them, open the chest that you can see to get the piece of heart.
Piece of Heart #29:
During the chapter “Climbing Snowpeak Mountain” your task is “Locate All Available Items with the Spinner”, head to the winding rocky path from Bridge of Eldin to north Hyrule Field. Look for Spinner track groove in the rock wall near the small wooden bridge. Jump down in the middle to land in the dig cavern. Kill the enemies, break the pots and cut the grass and then open the chest to get your piece of heart.
Piece of Heart #30:
After getting the last piece of heart, head to the north Hyrule Field, to far western road that leads to Great Hylian Bridge. Ride Spinner on track of the outer wall. Ricochet left and right along the broken sections of marked wall, press “A” button as you reach end of the wall section you’re on and bounce to the opposite side on a high ledge with the chest. open it and get your piece of heart.
Piece of Heart #31:
During Dungeon 5: Snowpeak Ruins in chamber 1, chest on ledge above entry hall; use Ball and Chain to traverse overhead swinging platforms.
Piece of Heart #32:
During Dungeon 5: Snowpeak Ruins in chamber 17, bomb through cracked floor, drop through to the first floor and open the chest.
Piece of Heart #33:
After During Dungeon 5: Snowpeak Ruins, win Snowboarding minigame against Yeta in Peak Province; Snowpeak (Snowboard Area).
Piece of Heart #34:
In Lanayru Province; Hyrule Field (North), destroy north bomb rock; solve Ice Block Puzzle Cavern to reach chest.
Piece of Heart #35:
During Dungeon 6: Temple of Time in chamber 5, fifth floor; use Dominion Rod to move small statues onto pressure plates on side ledge and reveal chest.
Piece of Heart #36:
During Dungeon 6: Temple of Time in chamber 6, fifth floor; smash frail gates with possessed statue on return trip to reach chest.
Piece of Heart #37:
After Dungeon 6: Temple of Time, while in Faron Province; Sacred Grove, in Temple of Time entry hall (in the past); move southeast statue to access chest alcove., you need Dominion Rod for it.
Piece of Heart #38:
After Dungeon 6: Temple of Time and recharging Dominion Rod, go to Eldin Province; Hidden Village and speak with Cucco in east alley (as wolf); find and speak with all 20 cats in Hidden Village.
Piece of Heart #39:
After Dungeon 6: Temple of Time and recharging Dominion Rod, go to Faron Province; Faron Woods; Destroy bomb rock near Coro; move owl statue into shallow hole in path beyond; Midna-jump to chest ledge.
Piece of Heart #40:
After Dungeon 6: Temple of Time and recharging Dominion Rod, go to Eldin Province; Hyrule Field (Bridge of Eldin), move owl statue from north end of bridge to south end, position statue in west alcove; jump across to chest ledge.
Piece of Heart #41:
During Dungeon 7: City in the Sky in chamber 15, on second floor; chest hidden in southeast alcove; shimmy across narrow ledge to reach.
Piece of Heart #42:
During Dungeon 7: City in the Sky in chamber 16, on third floor; southeast chest on high ledge; traverse row of Peehats in connecting area to reach chest.
Piece of Heart #43:
While you are in Eldin Province; Hyrule Field (Kakariko Gorge), go to the southwest end of area; navigate hook points on rocky pillars to reach chest ledge.
Piece of Heart #44:
During Dungeon 8: Palace of Twilight in chamber 2, chest on ledge in northwest corridor; need Sol sphere or Light Sword to remove shadow fog; Clawshot to chest.
Piece of Heart #45:
During Dungeon 8: Palace of Twilight in chamber 5, you can find the chest on ea st ledge; use Light Sword to clear shadow fog and activate a floating platform to reach.
This guide should be more specific. Instead of largest field, Easern Hyrule field would be easier to understand.
Also heart piece 14 is too vague. Which cavern do you mean? There are various caverns in Hyrule.
#5 description isn’t the clearest either. The heartpiece is located on top of a large rock which lies in the middle of the ravine, not on the south east.
People would understand it easier with such accurate descriptions or else they’d be walking in circles