Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear
You can start this quest any time after Act I: Main Quest: The Nilfgaardian Connection. It begins when you find any of the diagrams listed below.
- Locations: Est Tayiar, Flying Stag, Temple Isle
- Find the diagrams to all the elements of Cat School gear
- Read Professor Gloger’s note
- Explore the ruins of Castle Drahim
You have the information about hidden treasure in elven ruins. Go to the Est Tayiar to northeast of Gustfields. Go down, use Aard to break the wall to the southeast. Inside you will loot the diagram and note from a corpse. After reading the note, your next location is Drahim Castle. This castle is located to the west of Grassy Knoll, south of Novigrad. Find the small castle perched on a hill and look at a blood trail leading to the cellar. Investigate the castle’s tower and open the front door with Aard.
- Find the diagrams to all the elements of Cat School gear
- Investigate the ruined tower using witcher sense
There are ladders up and down, first go down, loot everything you can see, here you will find the chest in the corner with Diagram and Prince Adrien’s journal. Read the journal and you will know about two references – one to the docks in Novigrad and other to Kiyan’s boat.
- Find the diagrams to all the elements of Cat School gear
- Search the wreck of Flying Stag
Flying Stag can be located between the Lighthouse and Widow’s Grotto, on the western coast of Grassy Knoll. Climb the ship and descend into the waterlogged hull to find a small chest perched at the edge of the water. You will find 3rd diagram and Mage’s Notes. After reading the note, your next target area is a place underneath Temple Isle in Novigrad.
- Find the diagrams to all the elements of Cat School gear
- Explore the passages under Temple Isle
Now go to Novigrad, from Elector’s Square, head west and northwest, look for a clifftop stone path. Once find out, go down to locate a cave entrance. Go inside and go to east until a rock wall appears, here use Eye of Nehaleni to dissolve the rock wall. Now follow the path and slay the enemies come to your way. Walk in a counterclockwise direction around the perimeter, from your starting entrance.
Use Aard at the first blocked archway , move to south to locate a pool. Dive loot a chest under the water and then come out form the other side, move to the south to reach a chamber. Here slay the wraith, after killing her, get the note and loot the chest, read it. Now go to the east, through the rock opening in the golem cavern, follow the way to your right, which leads you to a chamber marked by a stone inscription, this leads to an octagonal chamber. Use witcher Sense and uncover notes, strange mark, and a recipe.
Pull all levers on some pillars to rotates one of the statues around 90 degrees. Continuing moving until every one faces central stone floor. After that dive into the pool that appears, there is a skeleton on the bottom of the pool, you will find a key there now head back to chamber. Unlock the door to enter the mage’s laboratory. Prepare for combat, kill Kiyan and inspect corpse. You will find all other diagrams here.
Terrific, accurate list so far.
Just one meager foible, could you be more specific with the location for the Enhanced Feline Trousers, please? I’m struggling to find the sewer entrance or prison it’s located at.
Do you by chance know where the Enhanced Feline Armor is?
It’s actually in the building next to the blacksmith in Oxenfurt..SE corner of that city.
Can’t find the Enhanced Feline Silver Sword though…any help?
Do you need to have the specific treasure hunt quest in order to find them?
I’ve just finished the Scavenger Hunt: Cat quest, and gotten the basic feline armor and weapon diagrams.
Somehow, the Part 2 and Part 3 upgrade quests are available, but the Part 1 quest isn’t. Am I missing something? I visited the locations and the chests for the enhanced feline items simply aren’t there.
You do not need the associated quest to find the items. Look harder. They’re there, you’re probably just missing them.