Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear
This quest can be started any time after Act I: Main Quest: Destination Skellige. It begins when you find any of diagrams listed below.
- Locations: Fyresdal, Ruined Inn, Rogne, Fort Etnir, Old Watchtower, Siren’s Cave, Urialla Harbor (An Skellig), Trail to Yngvar’s Fang, Fort Tuirseach
- Find all the diagrams to Bear School gear
So start form Fyresdal, located in middle of main island and follow coastal trail to a monster nest at a signpost for the Ruined Inn. Defeat all enemies there, go to the remains of Inn and push wreckage aside to reveal a way going down. Below there is notice to arrest for witcher named Gerd. In the bedrooms you will find first diagram of “Ursine Steel Sword“ of this quest. After reading the notes, you have 2 areas to search. So get to work.
- Find all the diagrams to Bear School gear
- Search the ruins of Fort Etnir
Go to the east of Kaer Trolde to visit the settlement of Rogne. Follow the winding trail to locate ruins of Fort Etnir. Go behind the tower, you will find chests and a skeleton covered with snow, inspect and you will find a Arrest Warrant for Witcher Gerd and a Diagram. Now move to the Next area “Spikeroog”.
- Find all the diagrams to Bear School gear
- Search the sirens’ cave
Now go to your secondary area, which is Spikeroog. Here go along the shoreline to the west to located a cave, OR you can located the other entrance of that cave at the village of Svorlag, after the Old Watchtower and enter this snow-covered cave. Go inside the cave and make your way to the right, climbing up rock ledges, there you will find a skeleton with diagram and a letter. After reading this letter you will know about Fort Tuirseach and also new location An Skellig located to northeast side of Ard Skellig.
- Find all diagrams to Bear School gear
Now to reach at the Fort Tuirseach set sail to northeast side and go to port of Urialla Harbor. Head northeast until you reach at Trail to Yngvar’s Fang. Here after killing the monsters, move right along the path climb up the rock bridge and go to left. Leap and grab the ledge. Pull up, and make your way through the mountain trail. Continue, after sliding down a little, look left to see the peak of Yngvar’s Fang. To right a wooden door leads you to Fort Tuirseach. As go inside, go left down. After killing the wraiths, open the chest with coins and a lever, pull it to open gratings on opposite walls. In the next area you will have number of cells check ever on of them, inspect the dead prisoners.
In the last cell , you will have a drop down cave. Drop into the cave and turn right. follow the steps to a ruined spiral staircase. Climb up, use Aard on block rocks to remove them, and you will enter in throne room. Loot the chest in a corner for diagrams. And you are all done.
On the Next page you will find the list of all the Witcher Gears, with the location. These are hidden in long-forgotten areas, within dungeons, or buried where no one would look.
Terrific, accurate list so far.
Just one meager foible, could you be more specific with the location for the Enhanced Feline Trousers, please? I’m struggling to find the sewer entrance or prison it’s located at.
Do you by chance know where the Enhanced Feline Armor is?
It’s actually in the building next to the blacksmith in Oxenfurt..SE corner of that city.
Can’t find the Enhanced Feline Silver Sword though…any help?
Do you need to have the specific treasure hunt quest in order to find them?
I’ve just finished the Scavenger Hunt: Cat quest, and gotten the basic feline armor and weapon diagrams.
Somehow, the Part 2 and Part 3 upgrade quests are available, but the Part 1 quest isn’t. Am I missing something? I visited the locations and the chests for the enhanced feline items simply aren’t there.
You do not need the associated quest to find the items. Look harder. They’re there, you’re probably just missing them.