Viper Silver Sword
- Location: In White Orchard: Located between Ford and Ransacked Village – At the top of ruined brick tower with an Interrogation Report.
Viper Steel Sword
- Location: White Orchard: Cemetery – Inside the crypt.
Griffin Silver Sword
- Location: Velen: Crow Perch; Lornruk – Approach via the underwater cavern which leads up into the building. Take the ladder that leads above the room for the Griffin sword. In the tower on the level before the top is an iron bound chest containing a Harvall steel sword. Good loot can be found.
Griffin Steel Sword
- Location: Velen: Grayrocks: Hindhold – Skip the front door by using ladders and scaffolding to make your way up to the top. Fight the harpies. The sword diagram will be on the skeleton.
Griffin Armor
- Location: Velen: Crookback Bog: Dragonslayer’s Grotto – Inside the cave near the fight with the Ekimmara. Search the chest near the coffin.
Griffin Boots
- Location: Velen: Crookback Bog: Dragonslayer’s Grotto – Inside the cave near the fight with the Ekimmara. Search the chest near the coffin.
Griffin Gauntlets
- Location: Velen: Crookback Bog: Dragonslayer’s Grotto – Inside the cave near the fight with the Ekimmara. Search the chest near the coffin.
Griffin Trousers
- Location: Velen: Crookback Bog: Dragonslayer’s Grotto – Inside the cave near the fight with the Ekimmara. Search the chest near the coffin.
Griffin Silver Sword (Enhanced)
- Location: Velen: Bald Mountain: Crossroads, cave due east of here. – In the back of the cave
Griffin Steel Sword (Enhanced)
- Location: Velen: Spitfire Bluff: Southwest of Refugee Camp, northwest of Condyle – Above the stone steps, after taking the path from Coast of Wrecks southwest, to the small peninsula.
Griffin Armor (Enhanced)
- Location: Velen: Grayrocks: White Eagle Fort – Among the crates in an iron bound chest.
Griffin Boots (Enhanced)
- Location: Velen: Mudplough: West of Harpy Feeding Ground in Crow Perch – Among the east most portion of the ruins.
Griffin Gauntlets (Enhanced)
- Location: Velen: The Mire: Frischlow (just south) – Within the small cave. Use Aard to push the rocks down.
Griffin Trousers (Enhanced)
- Location: Velen: Crow Perch: Burned Ruins – Among the burned ruins, you can find the chest with geat.
Griffin Silver Sword (Superior)
- Location: Skellige: Ard Skellig: Elverum Lighthouse – Inside the cave haunted by wraiths.
Griffin Steel Sword (Superior)
- Location: Skellige: An Skellig: West of Yngvar’s Fang – Near the cliff behind a large rock, close to the corner of the northern shore.
Griffin Armor (Superior)
- Location: Skellige: Ard Skellig: Giants’ Toes – Among the rocks on a broken boat with the chest.
Griffin Silver Sword (Mastercrafted)
- Location: Skellige: Ard Skellig: Boxholm – Inside the ruined tower, you will find it inside the chest.
Griffin Steel Sword (Mastercrafted)
- Location: Skellige: Ard Skellig: Redgill – Follow the road north from Redgill. The ches is overlooking the courtyard of the abandonned village.
Griffin Armor (Mastercrafted)
- Location: Skellige: Ard Skellig: North of Redgill; follow the road towards the Whale Graveyard – Defeat cyclops, go in ruins and climb up the rocks to reach at chest.
Feline Silver Sword
- Location: Novigrad: Gustfields: Est Tayiar – Upon jumping down into the cave entrance you will land in a brick room. Destroy it with Aard and reveal a skeleton.
Feline Steel Sword
- Location: Novigrad: Grassy Knoll: Drahrim Castle – Inside the tower. Additional good loot in other chests.
Feline Crossbow
- Location: Novigrad: Grassy Knoll: Lighthouse or Widow’s Grotto – Below deck in the wrecked ship west of the shoreline, by Basilisk Isle.
Feline Armor
Location: Novigrad: Temple Isle: Electors’ Square – Corpse of Mad Kiyan Witcher can be found there.
Feline Boots
- Location: Novigrad: Temple Isle: Electors’ Square – Corpse of Mad Kiyan Witcher can be found there.
Feline Gauntlets
- Location: Novigrad: Temple Isle: Electors’ Square – Corpse of Mad Kiyan Witcher can be found there with gear.
Terrific, accurate list so far.
Just one meager foible, could you be more specific with the location for the Enhanced Feline Trousers, please? I’m struggling to find the sewer entrance or prison it’s located at.
Do you by chance know where the Enhanced Feline Armor is?
It’s actually in the building next to the blacksmith in Oxenfurt..SE corner of that city.
Can’t find the Enhanced Feline Silver Sword though…any help?
Do you need to have the specific treasure hunt quest in order to find them?
I’ve just finished the Scavenger Hunt: Cat quest, and gotten the basic feline armor and weapon diagrams.
Somehow, the Part 2 and Part 3 upgrade quests are available, but the Part 1 quest isn’t. Am I missing something? I visited the locations and the chests for the enhanced feline items simply aren’t there.
You do not need the associated quest to find the items. Look harder. They’re there, you’re probably just missing them.