Find and complete side quests in Act II to get some amazing rewards for your party members. There are total 19 side quests that you can find in this act. Below you will find all of these quests with the complete guide and detail of options with which you can complete them. Side quest “The Master’s Tools” can be get form the Endless Paths Od Nua Level 12 and side quest “The Master Below” from The Stronghold’s Great Hall.
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These side quests can be found on the following pages.
- #1: His Old Self (Page 1)
- #2:A Voice from the Past (Page 1)
- #3: Rogue Knight (Page 2)
- #4: The Bronze Beneath the Lake (Page 2)
- #5: A Two Story Job (Page 3)
- #6: The Changing of the Guard (Page 3)
- #7: The Final Act (Page 4)
- #8: Built to Last (Page 4)
- #9: Winds of Steel (Page 5)
- #10: Cinders of Faith (Page 5)
- #11: A Farmers Plight (Page 5)
- #12: Blood Legacy (Page 6)
- #13: The Theorems of Pandgram (Page 6)
- #14: Far from Home (Page 6)
- #15: Supply and Demand (Page 7)
- #16: At All Costs (Page 7)
- #17: The Wailing Banshee (Page 7)
#1: His Old Self
- Quest Giver: Kaenra
- Location: Goose and Fox Tavern – Copperlane
In Copperlane, enter Goose and Fox Inn and find a woman sitting at a round table near the fireplace. Talk to her and she tells you of her fiancé named Purnisc. She ask you to deliver her ring to Purnisc. She won’t need it anymore and she wants you to find out why he’s been acting in this manner.
New Objective: Give Kaenra’s ring to Purnisc
Go to the northwest across the edge of marketplace, find and enter Purnisc’s house. Head into the first room on right and speak with Purnisc and give him Kaenra’s Ring.
You can continue to pry for more information or respond:
- Offer a passionate response, which angers Purnisc and causes him to attack you. At the last moment Purnisc will changes into a wizard called Nyrid.s
- OR you can tell him Kaenra seemed to care for him. He tells you they are done.
New Objective: Uncover what happened at Purnisc’s house in Copperlane
Head west to the Mercenary guarding the stairwell. A guard stops you and says the upstairs area is out of bounds. Here:
- Stop the conversation and try to reach the stairs.
- Or give him 100cp. So you can proceed.
- OR, Mention that you will do something unpleasant to him with his sword. So You can proceed.
On the upper floor kill the Mercenaries and loot a Rusty Bronze Key from corpses and use it to open the locked door. Follow the way and you will find a man who looks like Purnisc, slumped in blood. You can use conversation choices to ascertain Purnisc’s past decisions:
- He deals in Svef and withheld some from Nyrid (hence his current predicament).
- He loves Kaenra.
- He hopes you can kill Nyrid and remove the Mercenary threats.
Head back down-stairs and quest will update.
New Objective: Confront Nyrid
Go back down and chat to a man again, now that you know he’s a wizard concealed as Purnisc. You can mention the bound man that you freed and Nyrid changes to his true form. Here:
- Stop Nyrid verbally and tell him you’ll come to an arrangement with him a discount on Svef and no interference in his operations. He will agree.
- OR you can attack to stop Nyrid.
New Objective: Free Purnisc
Go upstairs and talk to real Purnisc and tell that you can patch things up between him and his wife, Kaenra. Here:
- “Kaenra sent me here in the first place.”
- “Trust her to make her own decisions rather than lie to her.”
- “Don’t push your luck.”
- “We’ll see.”
If don’t leave. Here:
- Agree to talk to her.
- You can lie “Sure. I’ll go do that.”
Now go to Goose and Fox Inn and talk with Kaenra. Here:
After killing Purnisc (Nyrid), or speaking to him without investigating, Tell Kaenra that you have returned the ring.
- Reward:Amulet of Unwavering Resolve
After speaking to Purnisc (Nyrid) and finding real Purnisc, kill real Purnisc and tell Kaenra what happened.
- Reward:Amulet of Unwavering Resolve
- Reactivity:You now receive a discount from Nyrid when buying from him.
After speaking to Purnisc (Nyrid) and rescuing real Purnisc, you can tell Kaenra what happened. Convince her to stay with him. She will agree.
- Reward:Amulet of Unwavering Resolve
- Reactivity:You now receive a discount from Purnisc at his house when buying from him.
After speaking to Purnisc (Nyrid) and rescuing real Purnisc, tell Kaenra what happened. Say you are sorry it turned out like this.
- Reward:Amulet of Unwavering Resolve
#2: A Voice from the Past
- Quest Giver: Dalton
- Location: Copperlane
Dalton is located on the western side of Copperlane, close to bridge over to Amphitheater. Go and talk to him and he will explains that he is hearing voice of his dead lover. Ask about memories and agree to search the catacombs for signs of Rowyna to start the quest.
New Objective: Enter the Catacombs
The quest updates as soon as you enter the Catacombs. Now search for Rowyna here. Now go to southwest along canal bank until you reach the exit stairs down. Now go up through circular crypt with some enemies. Go up from the Helig of Thein’s chamber. There you will find Helig, ask about Rowyna and do the following steps.
- Helig will ask you a favor in-order to help you, so you have to complete his task first.
He will ask to find an animancer named Moedred and claim Helig’s grimoire from him. You will received a key to open chest Moedred keeps it in.
- OR you can make your answers aggressive and finally attack Helig.
To help Helig, you have to located Brackenbury and them visit Sanitarium. Go into lower level where Moedred resides. Once inside Sanitarium quest will updates.
New Objective: Retrieve Helig’s Research from Moedred’s laboratory
Now ask about Helig and you hear what he says. No matter what you choice, there is no chest and no grimoire. Helig has sent you on a wild-goose chase. Your quest will update.
New Objective: Kill Helig of Thein
Go back and attack him after killing him gather an amulet that belonged to Rowyna from his corpse. It’s the spirit of Dalton’s wife. Speak to her. Your quest updates.
New Objective: Return to Dalton in Copperlane
Now go back to Dalton complete the quest and you can:
Tell him that Rowyna has gone and you found nothing. And keep amulet.
- Reward:Soulward Amulet
- Reactivity Reputation-:Reputation loss with Defiance Bay
Convince Dalton that the amulet contains Rowyna’s soul and persuade him to destroy it.
- Reward:Dial Ewn Dibita (club)
- Reactivity Reputation+: A minor improvement in your Defiance Bay reputation.
Convince Dalton that amulet contains Rowyna’s soul and allow him to keep it.
- Reward:Dial Ewn Dibita (club)
- Reactivity Reputation+:A minor improvement in your Defiance Bay reputation
Just finished the quest “A voice from the past”. I used the deceptive option to tell Dalton it was just a dream, he thanked me, gave me the club and I gained moderate Defiance BAy reputation.
Little modification on page 3: whatever choices you make in #5, no #6 if you choose a side.
Really, really great and helpful guide but some quests are missing. Like the “All hand on deck!” quest you can get in Ondra’s Gift from Marceno in the south – east near the ship.
I really bugs me what to chose since there are so many possibilities (as usual)!.
Thanks for telling, but “All hand on deck” is a Task. Not side quest.
Supply and Demand walkthrough tells you, the House which the key you get from the thugs opens, is on the North eastern Side of Town…THIS IS INCORRECT!!! It is on the North Western SIde!! and Its called Ramshackle House!!