#7: The Final Act
- Quest Giver: Kurren
- Location: Brackenbury
In Brackenburygo to Hadret house and meet with Kurren in a large room with a round table on the left. Talk to him and ask if he could use your help and you will start this quest. If you continue, you will find out more about the quest and learn 3 names you need to investigate: Lendry, Kendal and Kora.
New Objective: Speak with the Three Contacts
Open the Quests menu to learn where each of the individuals who reported their disappearance hang out. You are looking for:
- Elcga: She spends her time in Brackenbury
- Lora: She is a merchant in Copperlane
- Oly: He frequents a brothel in Ondra’s Gift
Start your work in Brackenbury, investigate Elcga – she is standing between the two stairs after the central fountain as you leave the Hadret house. Tell her you are investigating Kendal’s disappearance. Ask her how she knows Kendal, when and where she last talked to him and also if she noticed anything different in his behavior. You learn that he disappeared a week ago and he was hanging out with a female actor whose name is unknown.
Now head to the Copperlane, go to the amphitheater located in the center of the map and speak to Lumdala, standing on the right side of the stage. Tell her you are looking for Kendal. She claims she didn’t know him, continue and finish your conversation.
Note: If you have Grieving Mother in your party, she will advise you not to trust this woman.
Now it’s time to speak with Lora, she is located in market area – the Mystical Goods merchant. Talk to her, in your conversation you will know that Kora is Lora’s sister and was last seen just before a big performance. Here you can return to Lumdala with this information, she will still be deceptive.
So you have to meet with Oly, located in Ondra’s Gift. In Ondra’s Gift go to Salty Mast brothel to south. Oly is in a dining nook just right of the entrance. Talk to him about Lendry. After the conversation you will learn that Lendry didn’t share much about him, but one night Lendry go with a lady named Lumdala.
Here your quest will update.
New Objective: Question Lumdala in Copperlane
Now go back to Copperlane and speak with Lumdala again at amphitheater. Tell her “Oly said his friend Lendry was last seen with you.” Now after some lines she will ask to prove it by asking someone else. Your only reply is “You’re connected to three recent disappearances that you claim to know nothing about.”
After that, Kadal (actor) who is standing behind her asks you to meet him at Lumdala’s house. Here your quest will update.
New Objective: Meet with Kadal
You can find Lumdala’s house near the north gate of Copperlane, meet with Kadal there and after the conversation, he will give you a Rusty Bronze Key and tells you it opens the door behind you. Inside room is a secret passage that leads to an underground theater. And your quest will update.
New Objective: Investigate the Hidden Theater
Go proceed and go into the hidden theater, which is a section of Copperlane Catacombs. As you enter and you will find Kora’s scarf in the middle of room and you have a vision of the day Lora gave it to her. After vision, choose any of conversation choices. Suddenly Lumdala emerges from the shadows with a small army.
New Objective: Return to Kurren at Hadret House in Brackenbury
Now go back to Kurren, but here you will encountered by Lumdala and her hired armed actors. Here you can attack or listen to her. If you agree to listen, she reveals Lord Gaderman’s name as one of the patrons of these macabre performances. She tells you that you can either kill him or report him to the authorities.
If you spare her you may have 1,000 more copper. Use Scout mode to locate the purple brick on the floor near the southeast wall. This opens a secret access to the rest of the Catacombs. Exit the Catacombs using northeast exit.
But if you killed her, then return and speak to Kurren again. Tell him you have found the missing people. If you killed her, only one option is “They were all murdered. A woman named Lumdala killed them as part of her performances.” If you spared her, the other two replies are:
- “Certain wealthy theater patrons have been paying to watch performances in which actors are murdered. One of the foremost members is Lord Gaderman.”
- “A lot, actually. A woman named Lumdala has been staging performances in which actors are murdered. Lord Gaderman is one of her most prominent patrons.”
Now if you spared her, you can talk to Lord Gaderman in Brackenbury located near statue in front of Charred Barrel.
Let him off hook and work together to frame Lord Reymont’s crazy daughter – Linete. You will receive 1,000 cp and Linete’s Signet Ring.
And after that if you talk to Kurren, you have a one more conversation option:
- “They were all murdered. Linete Reymont was responsible.”
If you framed Linete, then you can find her at the sanitarium later.
#8: Built to Last
- Quest Giver: Commander Clyver
- Location: Crucible Keep – First Fires
Meet with Commander Clyver in Crucible Keep located on southeast corner of First Fires. Talk to him and he will ask you to find the research from a scrivener named Vianna.
New Objective: Go to the Scriveners’ Dormitory in Copperlane
Scriveners’ Dormitory is located on the northern part of town in Copperlane. Here your quest will update.
New Objective: Find Vianna
While inside the Scriveners’ Dormitory, you will find Coren in main corridor and try to converse with him. During conversation he will give you some information related to Vianna’s whereabouts. She left to meet a woman named Clessia in Ondra’s Gift, inside an empty house on the northern side of town. Here your quest will update.
New Objective: Search for Vianna in Ondra’s Gift
Ondra’s Gift is located in Defiance Bay, from the entrance go to west along street in northern part of area, until you reach a statue. There you can find an abandoned House on the north side. Go inside the house and you can find Vianna, behind a double door on southwest side.
She’s being roughed up for her research by a group of Mercenaries led by Dodwyna of the rival faction the Dozens. The only way to solve your intrusion is to slay anyone not named Vianna and your quest will update.
New Objective: Recover Vianna’s research from the Dozens
After the combat, ask Vianna about her research and search Dodwyna’s corpses for a specific item you need to continue: Vianna’s Research. Here quest will update.
New Objective: Give Vianna’s Research to Dunstan
Now go back to Crucible Keep and head north and hand over the research to Dunstan so he can start to create Forge Knights the Commander requested and you will received your reward.
Just finished the quest “A voice from the past”. I used the deceptive option to tell Dalton it was just a dream, he thanked me, gave me the club and I gained moderate Defiance BAy reputation.
Little modification on page 3: whatever choices you make in #5, no #6 if you choose a side.
Really, really great and helpful guide but some quests are missing. Like the “All hand on deck!” quest you can get in Ondra’s Gift from Marceno in the south – east near the ship.
I really bugs me what to chose since there are so many possibilities (as usual)!.
Thanks for telling, but “All hand on deck” is a Task. Not side quest.
Supply and Demand walkthrough tells you, the House which the key you get from the thugs opens, is on the North eastern Side of Town…THIS IS INCORRECT!!! It is on the North Western SIde!! and Its called Ramshackle House!!