#9: Winds of Steel
- Quest Giver: Commander Clyver
- Location: Crucible Keep – First Fires
This quest will be available, If in last quest “Built to Last” you join Crucible Knights forces. Go to the Crucible Keep in First Fires and meet with the Commander Clyver in war room on northeast. He will give you task to deliver the research to one of the commanders who is meeting you at the treacherous coastal cove known as Anslög’s Compass.
New Objective: Travel to Anslög’s Compass
Anslög’s Compass is located on the western side of the world map. As you enter the Anslög’s Compass, your quest will be update.
New Objective: Meet Aranroed by the Dock
Here go to the east side of Anslög’s Compass, until you find Drake skeleton and now head south to the edge of water before adjusting to a southeasterly path along the water’s edge. Continue to dock where a woman yells whether Commander Clyver sent for you, meet with her. After conversation hand over Vianna’s research to Aranroed.
Though you’re hoping to return to the castle before these plans are discovered, your clandestine task is uncovered by a sextet of adventurers from Expedition Hall. The Dozens, led by Padebal, are here to make sure you don’t survive! Your conversation falls on deaf ears and you must slay him. Once this altercation ends, Aranroed quickly sets sail for Fleetbreaker Castle, while you are urged to return to the keep. Here your quest will update.
New Objective: Return to Crucible Keep and Defeat the rogue Forge Knights
After you comeback to First Fires and going to the Crucible Keep, you will be attacked rogue Forge Knight after the combat enter the keep and fight with more Rogue Forge Knights there.
New Objective: Speak to Commander Clyver
After killing all rogue Forge Knight, go to the war room and talk to Commander Clyver. Here you can:
- Agree that additional research into crafting these Knights is the best course of action
- Conclude that additional research isn’t a good use of the Knights’ now
You’re now able to tell the Crucible Knights faction to secure your allegiance with the Crucible Knights that;
- “I understand that the Crucible Knights are attending the animancy hearings at the palace.”
#10: Cinders of Faith
- Quest Giver: Fyrga
- Location: Ducal Palace – First Fires
Go to the Ducal Palace in First Fires to meet with Fyrga, located in Tranquil’s Chamber, which is on right side after the grand hallway. Speak with her and after that agree to help her, she speaks of visions involving a cave “at a place with multicolored pools.”
To check the location quick check quest log indicates someone at Expedition Hall might know where this is and your quest will update.
New Objective: Travel to the cave from Fyrga’s vision
Now to the Copperlane and visit the Expedition Hall, inside the Hall you can see a large map, you can find a man with name “Wenan” ask him about the place from Fyrga’s vision. He will show you the location and will cost 50 coppers. Here:
- Pay the man and he tells you where to gather the map
- OR you can refuse to pay which will stalling this quest
Head to the small chest in the back room in the same area (Expedition Hall) behind Sonild’s shop and unlock the chest manually for the map.
New head to Woodend Plains and go south and exit from southwest corner and you can see Searing Falls on World Map.
Here go to the northeast corner and oily rainbow pools match vision Fyrga had. You can find a sweltering cave in in the northwest corner of the map along the northern perimeter. But before entering you will fight with 5 Xaurips and 4 Young Drakes. Here you r quest will update.
New Objective: Find the token of Magran
As you inside the cave, begin to look for a sign of Fyrga’s goddess Magran. Gather items from urns at the end of cave. But you will fight here with 5 Xaurip, 2 Young Drakes and flying serpent.
- Engage in a (fruitless) conversation with the large Drake, which unfortunately only ends in combat
- OR forgo any chatter and leap into the fray
After the fight pick up Burning Stone, the token Fyrga seeks from Cail the Silent. Here your quest will update.
New Objective: Bring the “spark” to Fyrga
Now return to Ducal Palace in First Fires, Give fragment of Godhammer bomb to Fyrga and you will complete this quest.
#11: A Farmers Plight
- Quest Giver: Rumbald
- Location: Dyrford Village
In Dyrford Village, cross the bridge, which is on the western side of town and talk to Rumbald who is standing outside of his house near pigpen. He will ask you to stop ogre who bring trouble to him and his pigs. Agree to help him and unfortunate he doesn’t have exact location of ogre but somewhere in wilderness nearby.
But Trygil at shop by half-collapsed tower (which is on the east side of town) might know the location, you can visit him there. Go there and ask him about ogre, He says the beast is residing near the Bael River, east of the village.
New Objective: Find the ogre’s lair Somewhere in Wilderness outside of Dyrford Village
Now leave the village form where you came in and go to Dyrford Crossing. As you go there your quest will update.
New Objective: Search the cave at Dyrford Crossing
In Dyrford Crossing, head to southeast cross the river and reach on a small island, slay all the large Beetles and other enemies on your way. Wade to river’s southeast bank and find a path between rocks, guarded by Widowmaker spiders. Go farther to east until you reach cave entrance.
While inside the cave, you will have fight against 4 Widowmaker Spiderlings, 2 Ivory Spinners and a Widowmaker. Head to right fight with 3 Crystal Eaters and a Widowmaker and continue to reach the ogre lair. Go in and talk to Korgrak. Here you will have some options:
- Use a mixture of reasoning to convince Korgrak to leave.
- OR you can attack with aggressive questioning or just attack and then expect combat with this large fellow.
After the battle, be sure you claim the ogre’s head.
Perception 16, Survival 9, Intellect 18
- These options allow you to either urge Korgrak to charge into Dyrford and eat Rumbald or convince Korgrak to leave his cave and serve you in your stronghold.
Note: If you convince Korgrak to serve your stronghold, you must first hire him through the Barracks Hireling interface in the Stronghold menu before he appears at the stronghold the next time you visit. He will increase your Security by 6, but decrease your Prestige by 10.
One you done, you fight or leave him, return to Rumbald in Dyrford Village and your quest will update.
New Objective: Return to Rumbald in Dyrford village
Return to Dyrford and head toward Rumbald’s pigpen and complete your quest.
Just finished the quest “A voice from the past”. I used the deceptive option to tell Dalton it was just a dream, he thanked me, gave me the club and I gained moderate Defiance BAy reputation.
Little modification on page 3: whatever choices you make in #5, no #6 if you choose a side.
Really, really great and helpful guide but some quests are missing. Like the “All hand on deck!” quest you can get in Ondra’s Gift from Marceno in the south – east near the ship.
I really bugs me what to chose since there are so many possibilities (as usual)!.
Thanks for telling, but “All hand on deck” is a Task. Not side quest.
Supply and Demand walkthrough tells you, the House which the key you get from the thugs opens, is on the North eastern Side of Town…THIS IS INCORRECT!!! It is on the North Western SIde!! and Its called Ramshackle House!!