Keys are needed to open the locked door and some of them are really hard to find, especially if you are looking it to open locked rooms containing treasures inside. Many of them can be obtain during the quests, but in which quest you will get which key, you will know about it here.
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All Keys Location:
- Below we have the list of all the Keys that you can find in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
Cellar Key
- You will get this during the “The Apiarian Phantom” (Contract); this will open cellar in house, where wild hunt hound has his lair.
Bald Mountain Key
- You will get this during the “Bald Mountain” (Main Quest); this will access the bottoms of Bald Mountain dungeons.
Key to Whoreson Junior’s Estate
- You will get this during the “Get Junior” (Main Quest); you can open Whoreson’s estate in Oxenfurt with it.
Igor’s Key
- You will get this during the “Get Junior” (Main Quest) to open the Igor’s chest in Whoreson’s underground arena.
Bedroom Key
- You will get this during the “Kaer Morhen” (Main Quest); to access the bedroom in Kaer Morhen tower.
Stable Key
- You will get this during the “Payback” (Main Quest); this will let you access stables in Novigrad in order to let Ciri into stables.
Sewer Key
- You will get this during the “The Great Escape” (Main Quest) this key will opens passage between sewers under prison to Oxenfurt sewers.
Cell Key
- You will get this during the “The Great Escape” (Main Quest), you will need this key to Margaritta laux Antille’s cell in Oxenfurt prison. You can also open other cells with it.
Hendrik’s Key
- You will get this during “The Nilfgaardian Connection” (Main Quest) to open hatch in Hendrik’s house.
Laboratory Key
- You will get this during “Cat School Gear” (Scavenger Hunt), you will need it to laboratory’ door under Temple Island.
- You will get this during “A Dog’s Life” (Secondary Quest) to open a locker in abandon house during the quest.
- You will get this during “A Feast for Crows” (Secondary Quest) from a body to open a chest in Clever’s men hideout for some really cool items.
Padlock Key
- You will get this during “In Wolf’s Clothing” (Secondary Quest) to open doors in Freya’s Garden.
Key – (Piece 1)
- This key is apart in 3 pieces, you need to find all 3 of them to make the key – You will get this during “Now or Never” (Secondary Quest), this piece can be found in Novigrad sewers.
Key – (Piece 2)
- This is 2 of 3 piece of key, find all 3 of them to make the key – You will get this during “Now or Never” (Secondary Quest), this piece can be found in Novigrad sewers.
Key – (Piece 3)
- This is 3 of 3 piece of key, find all 3 of them to make the key – You will get this during “Now or Never” (Secondary Quest), this piece can be found in Novigrad sewers.
Lizard Figurine
- You will get this during the “Of Dairy and Darkness” (Secondary Quest), this will open a portal during the quest.
Bull Figurine
- You will get this during the “Of Dairy and Darkness” (Secondary Quest), this will open a portal during the quest.
Snake Figurine
- You will get this during the “Of Dairy and Darkness” (Secondary Quest), this will open a portal during the quest.
Key to Cellar
- You will get this during the “Possession” (Secondary Quest), this will open a cellar in Udalryk’s old house.
Chest Key
- You will get this during the “The Price of Honor” (Secondary Quest), this will open a chest of Agda, drown with a vessel in Sunken.
Niellen’s Key
- You will get this during the “Wild at Heart” (Secondary Quest), this will open Niellen’s chest, you can find it in his hideout located in the woods.
Old Key
- You will get this during the “Ruins, Hidden Treasure, You Know…” (Treasure Hunt) to open treasure chests.
Old Key
- You will get this during the “X Marks the Spot” (Treasure Hunt) to open treasure chests.
There is the scratched key, at White Orchard in the Nilfgardian garrison, as far as I can tell it’s just to get out of the cell easier after you collect whatever is in there, and it isn’t much to collect at all.
For the scratched key, off the main courtyard go through a door to a hospital like area where injured soldiers are, the back wall is broken in a spot, climb it and you land on a wooden platform, there’s a weak wall across a gap, Ard it then jump over, you are then in the cell, the key out is on a dead guy, and there’s some supplies near the edge. I think it may be dimeterium ore, so it’s probably worth getting.
To be a bit more clear, to the left coming through the door there’s a broken wall but that’s not what I mean, over to the right on the back wall there is a bit you climb, has that white paint that indicates you can grab the ledge. Dropping down the other side is a scaffolding, it’s a pain to land on it without rolling off, it’s also a pain to jump through the weak wall after you ard it, I have had to run all the way back around into the garrison a few times.
Ever notice a locked chest in Kaer Trolde? Go passed the smith and armourer down towards the wine cellar where you investigate the bear attack with Cerys, the first door is a kind of servant quarters, and at the foot of one of the bunks there’s a locked chest and I haven’t been able to find a key for it.